But you said...

This weekend our family visited the New England Aquarium.  We paid more for parking than we did for a family of five to enter the museum. 


On our ride home from the Aquarium, I banned two phrases.  The first phrase that is no longer allowed is: “But you said….”  It’s usually spoken with frantic agitation.  Sometimes it’s yelled or even worse…whined. 


Based on the frequency that this particular phrase is used in our home, it seems that I say certain things on a daily basis, but I don’t always follow through. 


“You said we could have lollipops.”


“You said we could get ice cream.”


“You said we could watch a movie.”


“You said we could stay up late.”

“You said we could have a massive pillow fight.”


“You said you’d get me (fill in the blank) mechanical pencils (which are big at my house right now)/new earbuds/mac ‘n cheese/a pet tiger (yes, really).


Here’s what I’ve concluded:


1.)    I don’t know what I say.

2.)   I can’t remember what I’ve said.

3.)   The children exaggerate what I say.

4.)   The children misunderstand what I say.

5.)   I have said more than I can do.

6.)   Circumstances have changed, so what I said, is no longer relevant or possible.

7.)   I said without doing my homework.

8.)   What is say is conditional.

9.)   Sometimes I say so someone will be quiet.  (I know, it’s SO wrong, but yes, it’s true)


Here’s what I’ve learned about what God says: 


·      What God says, God does.  God’s word (what he says) is his creative action in the world:  “Let there be light.”  And there was light.


·      We can know what God says because we have the Bible.


·      God has spoken through his Word, Jesus:  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).


My kids should like this:  We never have to doubt God’s word and say to him, “But you said….”   Ever. 


I had the privilege of working for preacher and author, Haddon Robinson.  When he asked me to make sure I got something done within a certain timeframe, I’d often say, “I promise…I’ll have it ready.”  He’d remind me, “Your word is your promise.” 


God’s word is his promise to us.  He loves us.  He has forgiven us through Jesus.  He is with us. Now what do you say to that?







Patricia Batten