Patricia Batten

delighted to be involved in academia and in ministry

After receiving her MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in S. Hamilton, MA, Pat pastored a small church in Kennebunkport, Maine.  That’s where she honed her preaching skills...week after week, speaking to the needs of the congregation, from the Bible.    

After earning her DMin in preaching, she pursued her passion for teaching.  As a Ranked Adjunct Assistant Professor of Preaching at GCTS, she finds great pleasure in teaching soon-to-be pastors how to preach expository sermons.  But she still has an active preaching ministry.  Pat’s delighted to be involved in academia and in ministry.  She’s convinced that her preaching makes her teaching more effective and her teaching makes her a better preacher. 

Pat is known for telling a good story.  She retells old favorites.  She writes new ones.  She’ll even tell the biblical story from the perspective of a biblical character.  She immersed herself in story when she and her husband, Rich, lived in Scotland.  Today, they live on the North Shore of Boston with their three sons, Jack, Sam and Tim.  The boys love stories too! 

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